For the sake of my beloved wife, Ariel NOAH decided not to return to the village when …


Ariel Noah decided not to go home to Bandung this year. | RODERICK ADRIAN MOZES

Ariel Noah decided not to go home to Bandung this year.

Reports from the Grid.ID reporter, Menda Clara Florencia

Grid ID – Ariel NOAH was forced to decide not to return home during this year’s Eid-ul-Fitr moment.

Ariel is aware that if she returns to her village in Bandung, West Java, it will be very risky for her family.

Especially, Ariel was afraid to bring the virus to her beloved mother, who was already quite old.

Also read: Ariel NOAH Limited Edition Shoes Sold Through Rs 30 Million Auction For Corona Impact Donations

“There is a mother at home, 66 years have passed, the virus for parents is very fast in the data, also above 50 percent.”

“If you want to go home (Bandung), you’re afraid,” said Ariel NOAH, when Grid ID quote the prayer, from Instagram live with Armand Maulana, Friday (5/1/2020).

In fact, the coronavirus will increasingly increase the risk of death and will be fatal for those with congenital disease factors.

Also read: Ariel Noah Limited Edition Shoe Auction, Become Sule’s Direct Target

Meanwhile, the elderly are more easily exposed to the corona virus.

Taking resistance and resistance into account in older people is no longer paramount.


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