Facts About Fortuner Driver With Guns: Hitting A Motorcycle, Threatening Citizens, And Becoming A Suspect


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The driver of the Fortuner car who hit a motorcycle and pointed a gun at Jalan Colonel Sugiyono, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, was finally arrested by the police.

The author, named Muhammad Farid Andika, was seized after police tracked down the license plate of the vehicle he was using at the time of the incident.

Also read: Fortuner’s driver, Muhammad Farid Andika, is a suspect, under pain of death

From the trace, the police found the address of Farid’s family home and searched for his whereabouts. The author was arrested in the parking lot of a shopping center in South Jakarta.

“We secured the person in question in the parking lot of a shopping center in South Jakarta,” said Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Public Relations Chief Yusri Yunus on Friday (2/4/2021).

Hit the bike and stop the gun

The “cowboy action” carried out by the MFA took place in the early hours of Friday, around 0100 WIB at a traffic light crossing.

At the time, Yusri said, the attacker was driving a Fortuner with police number B 1673 SJV.

Also read: Viral, Fortuner’s driver hit a motorcycle and put a gun on Duren Sawit

“Around 01.00 at Jalan Kolonel Sugiyono in Duren Sawit. At that time, the person in question was driving a Fortuner vehicle with B 1673, passing at an intersection with the condition traffic light red, “Yusri said.

The car then collided with the motorcycle. However, Fortuner’s driver expressed his anger at the crowd at the scene.

“Then he came across a motorcycle carrying a woman,” Yusri said.

“There were several people, both motorcycle taxis online, who tried to help the woman who was trying to stop the vehicle,” he continued.

Not happy, Farid then brandished a gun at the residents so they could leave the scene. One of the residents also recorded Farid’s action and the video was widely disseminated in the media.

“What happened after that was that the person in question got mad and pulled out a gun,” Yusri said.

“But, after that, the vehicle left, leaving the victim. And there was a community that made a video. This later went viral on social networks,” he added.

Claimed by authorities and threatened to kill residents

Girlfriend Afra Afifah (20), a motorcyclist who was run over by the perpetrator, said Farid immediately left the scene when residents began to arrive.

Not long after, the perpetrator suddenly returned to the scene. He immediately reprimanded the motorist who was helping Novia while claiming to be an officer.

Also Read: Fortuner’s Car Driver Drops His Gun Because He Is Upset At Being Reprimanded After Crashing

“He turned around, asked who was yelling and told him to turn it back. He had confessed to the security forces, until he said ‘doesn’t everyone know I’m a member?’ Girlfriend to Kompas.com.

In addition, Novia continued, the perpetrators also threatened to kill the residents who were at the scene.

“The perpetrator had time threatening and say, ‘It all cave kill him It I don’t know who I am, right? I’m a member, ”Novia said.

The drivers, Novia continued, did not appear willing to serve the MFA until the perpetrators left the scene.

“The neighbors did not accept him for his attitude and words. Finally didiemin just, “Bride said.

Subject to emergency laws

Farid is now at Polda Metro Jaya and has been named a suspect in the gun possession case.

From this arrest, the police found and confiscated two Airsoft pistols. Farid was charged with the Republic of Indonesia Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 on Weapons.

Also read: Muhammad Farid Andika, a Fortuner driver with guns, is a suspect

“I have determined it (as a suspect) now,” said Polda Metro Director of General Criminal Investigation Jaya Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat when contacted on Saturday (3/4/2021).

Meanwhile, Yusri said Farid was named a suspect after the title of the case was withheld on Saturday morning.

“We have made the title of the case this morning and we have named the result as suspect,” Yusri said in his written statement on Saturday.

Polda Metro investigators also issued a warrant for Farid’s arrest.

“Investigators are issuing an arrest warrant for the person in question,” Yusri said.

It is not yet known with certainty where the perpetrator obtained and where he owns the weapon. The police are still investigating the weapons case.

However, the perpetrator is known to have a membership card of the shooting club called Basis Shooting Club and there is a logo of the Indonesian Shooting and Hunting Association (Perbakin) organization.

Join an illegal shooting club

In response to this, the Perbakin Firtian Secretary General Judiswandarta declared that the Basis Shooting Club was an illegal shooting club.

Prior to the Duren Sawit gun-pointing case, the public was discussing the Basis Shooting Club after circulating the organization’s identity card to the body of a suspected terrorist at the National Police Headquarters, Zakiah Aini.

The Perbakin logo is also found on both Basis Shooting Club ID cards.

Also read: Fortuner Cowboys and Terrorists Headquarters have membership cards, Perbakin: Illegal Shooting Club Bases!

“The Shooting Club base is illegal, I declare it illegal because it is not a Perbakin member,” Firtian told Kompas.com on Saturday (3/4/2021).

Firtian claimed that the club had always been in trouble and had long been frozen by the provincial-level Perbakin of DKI Jakarta.

The agency also unilaterally painted the Perbakin logo and affixed it to the membership card (KTA).

“If the club is not allowed to paint the Perbakin logo (at KTA),” Firtian said.

An executive director start up

According to information circulating, Farid, who had admitted to being a security officer, turned out to be the chief operating officer (CEO) at the same time. founder start Restock.id.

The startup is engaged in peer-to-peer lending (fintech) financial technology services in Indonesia.

Also read: The figure of Muhammad Farid Andika, a suspect of Cowboy Action in Duren Sawit who is also the head of Startup Restock

In the August 30, 2019 edition of the Kompas.id article, it was written that Restock is a startup that provides productive loans to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

“Restock developed a business model to help MSMEs involved in the retail and e-commerce industry use their finished product inventory as collateral for trade financing,” said Farid.

Restock is known to have established a number of collaborations with various companies in Indonesia.

When Kompas.com tried to access the Restock.id page, the site could not be visited.

Kompas.com also attempted to confirm Farid’s status to Restock. However, the company has not yet responded.
