Exposed to Corona, the regent of Situbondo dies



Innalillahi wa innanilaihi roji’un. The sad news came from the Situbondo Regency Government. The regent of Situbondo, H Dadang Wigiarto, has died positive for COVID-19. The deceased breathed his last in the Wijaya Kusuma Room, RSUD Dr. Abdoer Rahem Situbondo, around 16:30 WIB.

“That’s right, he just died. Please continue the prayers of the people of Situbondo, hopefully the late Husnul Khotimah,” said Situbondo DPRD President Edy Wahyudi at Situbondo Regional Hospital when confirmed, on Thursday (26 / 11/2020).

Before he died, the condition of Regent Dadang Wigiarto, who was exposed to COVID-19, continued to worsen. In fact, there was a plan to be referred to Dr. Soetomo General Hospital in Surabaya. However, this plan was not implemented because the deceased’s condition worsened, until he passed away.

Observations from Detikcom, until 5:05 p.m. WIB several district government officials continued to arrive at the Dr. Abdoer Rahem Situbondo Regional Hospital. Some went directly into the room where the deceased was being treated. Others gathered around the forensic installation room and the monitoring of the bodies of the Situbondo Regional Hospital.

(Fat Fat)
