Erwin Prasetya dies, Ahmad Dhani: he is the most diligent in worship


YAKARTA, – The leader of the musical group Dewa 19 Ahmad Dhani also expressed his condolences for the death of Erwin Prasetya.

Erwin Prasetya is known to be Dewa 19’s first baseman.

Through an old upload of photos from Dewa 19, Ahmad Dhani said Erwin Prasetya was one of the devoted staff members at the prayer service.

At the end of the written photo description, Ahmad Dhani hopes that Erwin Prasetya can be accepted by the Almighty.

Among us (@ de19wa), Erwin was the most diligent in his 5 times of prayer. Innalillahi wa Inna illaihi rojiun. InsyaaAllah husnul khotimah, dying in the month of Ramadan is the dream of all of us“Ahmad Dhani wrote.

Also read: Erwin Prasetya’s wife mentions that her husband has no history of serious illness

Previously informed, Erwin Prasetya last breathed on Saturday (05/02/2020) at sunrise.

Erwin Prasetya died as a result of bleeding from the stomach.

This was confirmed by his wife, Miranda, when he was contacted by journalists.

“Yes, it was true at 5 am at the Sari Asih Hospital in Ciputat. The cause of the bleeding in the stomach this morning was critical at dawn,” Miranda said.

Also read: Erwin Prasetya’s wife: he is the most diligent in maintaining health

The news of Erwin Prasetya’s death was first broadcast by Ari Lasso through his personal Instagram page.

In the charge, the singer “Hampa” shared an old photo of Dewa 19 with condolences.

“Good news. Erwin Prasetya, first base @ de19wa died this morning. May the deceased get the best place on his side. And the family received strength. Amin RIP Win …” wrote Ari Lasso.

Also read: The body of the ancient God Base 19, Erwin Prasetya, will be buried in Surabaya
