Early Days, KPK showcases 3 OTT related people from Ministry of Social Affairs officials



The KPK showed a series of parties caught in hand-catching (OTT) operations related to welfare (bansos) to handle the Corona virus. There were three people exposed by the KPK related to this Corona welfare OTT.

Surveillance detikcom, at the Merah Putih building, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, on Sunday (6/12/2020), around 01.00 WIB, there were three people wearing the KPK orange vest. They seem aligned keeping their distance.

The KPK showed these three people led by KPK President Firli Bahuri wearing a dark blue suit. There also seemed to be KPK Jubik Ali Fikri.

“There are six people that we insure,” said Firli Bahuri.

However, the KPK only showed three people in orange vests at this press conference. They were seen leaving the KPK building towards the press conference site.

As is known, the KPK carried out OTT on officials of the Ministry of Social Affairs on Friday (12/4) at 23.00 WIB to Saturday (12/5) at 02.00 WIB. Six people were arrested by the KPK.

“The KPK has secured several persons suspected of being officials of the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding the corruption of the implementation of social assistance COVID-19,” KPK Vice President Nurul Ghufron told reporters on Saturday ( 5/12).

Social Affairs Minister Juliari Batubara said that the Social Affairs Ministry official who obtained the OTT from the KPK was the third echelon. Juliari respects the investigative process that is taking place at the KPK.

“Echelon 3. In principle, we respect and support the ongoing process at the KPK,” Juliari said when asked for confirmation from journalists, on Saturday (5/12).

(rfs / idh)
