Defending Habib Rizieq, Amien Rais Gets Political Gains



JAKARTA – The move by Party founder Ummat M Amien Rais, who was eager to defend the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab, was seen as an effort to gain political advantage. Habib Rizieq has a large number of militant followers.

UIN Jakarta political science professor Bakir Ihsan said that by defending Habib Rizieq Shihab, at least Amien gained a political advantage. “In the midst of a dim sounding market, Amien tried to attract voices from the light,” Bakir said when contacted. SINDOnews, Saturday (12/19/2020).

On the other hand, Bakir said, by defending Habib Rizieq Shihab, Amien and his group would gain “new ammunition” in the form of opposition forces from Islamic circles.

(Read also: Habib Rizieq case taken over by Bareskrim Polri, Munarman says this ).

Meanwhile, Indonesia’s Executive Director of Political Parameters, Adi Prayitno, assessed that there was nothing special about Amien Rais’s steps to defend Habib Rizieq.

(Also read: Amien Rais Getol Bela Habib Rizieq, Observer: Think of it as trying your luck in 2024 ).

He saw that Amien and Habib Rizieq were two figures who had been friends for a long time. “Has style equally critical and in opposition to the government. There is nothing to gain or lose for anyone, “Adi said.

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