The spokesman for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Munarman, spoke about various actions carried out by TNI recently, such as the deployment of troops at the FPI Headquarters in Petamburan, the fall of the billboards of Habib Rizieq Syihab. He considered the action to be the political policy of the country.
Munarman initially alluded to TNI’s duties with respect to military operations other than war (OMSP). He said the task was carried out only by order of the president.
“TNI’s obligations, as regulated in Law 34 of 2004, are twofold, namely, military war operations and non-war military operations. For non-war military operations (OMSP) only the president can order. Article 7 , paragraph 3) of Law 34/2004 establishes that OMSP implemented based on state policy and political decisions, “Munarman said in a written statement on Friday (11/20/2020).
Then he linked OMSP to recent TNI actions. Munarman assessed that the removal of billboards and the deployment of TNI troops at the FPI headquarters in Petamburan was under the orders of the president. According to him, the action was carried out to scare the FPI.
“Now people, of course, know, removing posters and deploying troops in Petamburan is not a military war operation. That is, it is OMSP, where TNIs by law move on the basis of state political decisions. President.” , said.
“This means that current state political policy instructs TNIs to carry out military operations other than war in the form of removing banners and deploying troops in Petamburan. That means that state political policies that the current president decides immediately are banners, billboards and scare FPI, “continued Munarman.
Munarman regretted the TNI action. He deemed it too expensive to fund TNI troops if it only scared people.
“It’s good to order OMSP to put up a billboard with a picture of itself, so that it doesn’t damage other people’s property. And it’s good that Pangdam Jaya is helping a country that is having trouble taking care of OPM that doesn’t it has been completely completed for decades, “he said.
“And unfortunately, the troops that are deployed in the petamburan are super elite troops. Soldiers who train to become elite soldiers are expensive to invest. It is a shame if they are used to scare people,” Munarman added.
Earlier, Pangdam Jaya, Major General Dudung Abdurachman, said that he was the one who ordered TNI troops to withdraw to stop Habib Rizieq’s billboards. Check the full news.