Crazy China! For artificial sun, 10 times hotter


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – China is increasingly proving its existence in the field of technology. President Xi Jinping’s country has just announced the creation of the HL-2M Tokamak, a very hot nuclear fusion reactor called an ‘artificial sun’.

The reason is that it is capable of producing 10 times the heat of the original sun. Quotation People’s diaryThe HL-2M Tokamak is designed to mimic the natural reaction that occurs in sunlight using hydrogen and deuterium gas as fuel.

According to the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), the HL-2M Tokamak is China’s newest way to achieve clean energy goals. The nuclear reactor itself is now in Chengdu, Sinchuan province.

“The ‘artificial sun’ will provide key technical support for China’s participation in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project and research fields,” said Chinese scientist Yang Qingwei, head of development for the HL-2M Tokamak.

This development that China calls is not only a way to solve the country’s strategic energy needs, but also has great importance for the sustainable development of energy and China’s national economy in the future.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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