Corona B117 virus found in Karawang!



West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil reported that a new variant of England’s Corona virus, B117, was found in the Karawang Regency. Currently, the West Java COVID-19 Task Force is also conducting additional monitoring to anticipate the spread of the mutated Corona virus.

“The new Corona virus variant is reported to already exist in Indonesia, entered in Karawang. We have followed up and asked if the Unpad team (University of Padjadjaran) can investigate this UK B117,” said Ridwan Kamil from RSP Unpad. , Bandung. City, Wednesday (3/3/2021).

Coordination with Unpad was done to find out if the COVID-19 health protocol treatment remained the same or not. The reason is that this mutation of the virus is considered more virulent by various parties.

“Is this the same treatment as 3M and 3T? We ask for research, so that we as decision makers can respond appropriately and in a measured way,” said the man who is familiarly named Kang Emil.

However, he appealed to residents to remain calm and not to panic. Anticipation has been taken from the beginning because the task force has predicted that this virus will mutate. We will adjust and improve our efforts, “Emil emphasized.

Earlier, to coincide with Corona’s first anniversary in Indonesia, Vice Minister of Health Dante Saksono Harbuwono reported the findings of 2 cases of Corona B117 virus mutation from England in Indonesia. This is the first case in Indonesia since the variant broke out in Britain in September 2020.

“Exactly 1 year today, we found a B117 mutation, UK mutation, in Indonesia. This is fresh out of the oven, only 2 cases were found last night,” he said in a virtual event on the 1st anniversary of the pandemic on YouTube. account of the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Technology, Tuesday (2/3).

Watch the video ‘Corona British Mutations Enter RI, the Task Force calls for Health Prokes to be toughened up’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]
