RINGTIMES BALI – The government through Kemenkop UKM has increased the share of beneficiaries of Productive Presidential Assistance (Banpres) or BLT UMKM 3 million to a total of 12 million UKM. The following is a complete guide to get IDR 2.4 million BLT, both online and offline, see here.
Cooperatives and SMEs Minister Teten Masduki recently explained that by order of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the quota for BLT beneficiaries was increased to 3 million.
The registry itself has been opened both online and offline. For online you can access at www.depkop.idwhile offline registration for BLT UMKM costs 2.4 million IDR. You can visit the local Cooperatives and UKM office bringing the required documents or documents.
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So what are the conditions for registering? If you are not a potential recipient of the BLT UMKM proposed by the designated ministry or institution, you can register independently by visiting the Dinas office in advance.
However, if you have been proposed by the proposing agency, good news for you because you will receive an SMS or a notification from the HIMBARA distributor bank.
If you receive the SMS, you should review it immediately and verify it with the pipeline bank, for example, the BRI bank.
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The BRI Bank, through its corporation Aestika Oryza Gunarto, explained that the government was appointed by the government to distribute the Productive Banpres for Microenterprises (BPUM) and the Company sent SMS notifications to the beneficiaries to facilitate the public obtaining information .
To help and make it easier for people who do not receive SMS notifications but want to know whether they have received assistance or not, he said, they can access the website. eform.bri.co.id/bpum.