COMPLETE PROBLEMS AND ANSWERS Tuesday, May 12, 2020 for Elementary Schools 4 and 6, Learning from Home on TVRI


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Read the material for the discussion of the answer keys and the questions for elementary classes 4-6 in the program Learn from home TVRI today, Tuesday May 12, 2020.

On this day the participants Learn from home TVRI will learn material about X-Science: Sound and Light.

It was learned, after the material was delivered, the participants Learn from home today, Questions to answer.

For this reason, participants are expected to understand oral presentations on recognized topics and respond to the use of their knowledge.

So what are the materials for discussion?

Answers to the problem TVRI Elementary School Grades 4-6, Tuesday May 12, 2020.1
TVRI Level 4 Questions for Grades 4-6 Elementary School, Tuesday May 12, 2020, X-Science Material: Sound and Light.

The following material, questions and discussion, reported Tribunes from various sources:


This time, students in grades 4-6 of elementary school will learn X-Science material: sound and light.


1. Ali is in a big room and Budi is in the middle of a rice field far from the town. They both screamed.
