Click on the link, this is how to register and verify the BLT Banpres UMKM IDR 2.4 million using NIK KTP


DIY NEWS – BLT Banpres UMKM Rs 2.4 crore has been disbursed to micro enterprise actors who can send BPUM SMS from BRI and NIK KTP banks registered at link in phase 1 from the month past.

Meanwhile, people who have not received BPUM can still register until the end of November 2020 with a quota that was originally 9 million and has now added 3 million recipients.

Unfortunately, this assistance does not apply to commercial actors who receive loans from banks and members of TNI, POLRI, ASN and employees of BUMN / BUMD.

For information, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs does not open an online registration link at the national level.

Also read: BLT BPJS Salary Subsidy Phase 5 Liquid to 567 thousand employees, check the recipient’s name at this link

Also read: Hooray! The government provides APB assistance of 1 million IDR per person, see NIK KTP at

Only a few regions open registration online. Registration will also be closed once the quota has been reached.

Registration can be done at the local government’s Cooperatives and SMEs Service office, or at the following government-designated proposing agencies:

  • The office in charge of cooperatives and UKM
  • Cooperatives legalized as legal entities
  • Ministry / Institution
  • Banking and payment companies registered with the OJK.

Also read: How to get BLT Banpres UMKM and NIK KTP requirements at for BPUM to be liquid
