Ciracas police destroyed, TNI and police on standby



A car in the parking area of ​​the Ciracas police station in East Jakarta caught fire. The Ciracas police building also appeared to be damaged.

Supervision detikcom at Ciracas Police, Jalan Raya Bogor, East Jakarta, on Saturday (8/29/2020), around 5:30 am, the windshield of the Ciracas Police Station appeared to have holes in it. Several broken glass.

A police bus appeared to have broken glass. The broken glass was scattered throughout the courtyard of the Ciracas Police Station.

Also, there were two cars that appeared to be on fire. The remains of the fire are still visible on the body of the car.

The cars that caught fire were a police patrol truck and another white minibus right in front of the Ciracas Police Station building.

There is also an orange barrier that appears to have been burned. The parking lights were also broken.

Several policemen and members of the TNI helped secure the Ciracas police. They look on alert.

A car from the inafis team appeared to be on hold at the Ciracas Police Department. Police also appeared to be arriving at the scene.

Traffic on the Bogor highway seems normal. There are no road closures or detours.

Previously, the parking area of ​​the Ciracas police station in East Jakarta caught fire. The fire department called the burning object a car.

“Police parking area, (fire) at 02.00 WIB in the morning,” the Damkar Command Center officer said when contacted on Saturday (8/29).

(rfs / gbr)
