DIY NEWS – Employees who have not received the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan salary allowance for Term 2 attendance that have been distributed to Stage 5 are due to various causes.
Workers who feel they meet the requirements can go to the official website of the Ministry of Labor at the link www.kemnaker.go.id using their account to file a complaint.
As is known, up to stage 5 the help of the wage subsidy BLT (BSU) of Rp.
However, according to the DIY News observation on the official website and social media of the Ministry of Manpower, there are still many workers who have not been transferred.
However, as of today Wednesday, November 25, 2020, according to DIY News’ observation in the comment column on Instagram and comments on the official website of the Ministry of Manpower, many workers have not received assistance.
Also read: Are you looking for a salary promotion? All the great Shopee Gajian Sale promotions!
Read also: Click on the link www.depkop.go.id, this is how to register for BLT UMKM so that the BPUM BRI Banpres is IDR 2.4 million liquid
“I, BCA Cikarang. Until this second it has not been disbursed. Although in the first stage, I was disbursed in stage 2. This is already stage 5 and has not yet been disbursed. On the website of the Ministry of Labor, although my profile received the last notification, now it’s gone. Is there something similar? with me? “ write to the account owner @bryansyamn.
“Cimb phase 1 stage 5 I have it … how come it isn’t exhausted now, bro? Up to what stage?” added @ ameliaafiani1805.