Yogyakarta, CNN Indonesia –
Director of Monitoring of the Indonesian Court (ICM) Yogyakarta, Tri Wahyu KH hopes, Busyro muqoddas resign from the team of lawyers Bambang Trihatmodjo. The son of the second president of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto, sued the Minister of Finance before the state administrative court (PTUN) on the extension of the prevention of travel abroad for Bambang as president of the Consortium of Organizing Partners of the SEA Games (KMP) of the XIX-1997.
“We hope that Pak Busyro, as a former ICM Ethics Council, will simply step down as Bambang Trihatmojo’s team of lawyers and remain focused on fighting for justice for public cases, not private ones. Furthermore, his current figure is desperately needed by the people. Indonesian, “said the Coordinator of the Yogyakarta Anti-Corruption Movement (GAKY). ), when contacted CNN Indonesia.com, Sunday (9/27).
Wahyu admits that he is concerned that the son of the former New Order ruler chose Busyro not just because he is a professional advocate. But there is also a consideration that Busyro, who is also the former chairman of the Indonesian Judicial Commission (KY), has been known to be consistent in fighting for public rights and remains critical of the ruling regime.
Furthermore, Wahyu continued, the current regime has further alienated the KPK from its independence, after the revision of the KPK Law. Furthermore, the promise to defend human rights in the current regime remains empty.
Meanwhile, Trisno Raharjo, president of the Center for Human Rights and Law (PP) Muhammadiyah, argued that Busyro, who was also the president of PP Muhammadiyah, personally must have had his own considerations when deciding as Bambang Trihatmodjo’s lawyer.
Trisno admitted that he understood Busyro’s actions and choices when handling a case. Because, since 1993, he has followed Busyro’s activities as a lawyer.
“He (Busyro) will take the same position, and in my opinion, if something does not agree with the point of view of his defense, then I am sure that he will resign from the team,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University (UMY).
As is known, the son of the second president of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto, is challenging the Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 108 / KM.6 / 2020 of May 27, 2020 on the Stipulation of the Extension of Prevention of Traveling Abroad against Bambang as Chairman of the SEA Games Organizing Consortium (KMP) XIX- 1997.
Busyro himself admitted that he was part of Bambang Trihatmodjo’s legal team. He chose to remain on the legal team because according to him the case was not a corruption case.
According to him, the lawsuit brought by Bambang was more of an administrative case.
“Our client’s case is not a case of alleged corruption. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia, cq the Indonesian Minister of Finance, prevented him from having his passport. The case is an administrative case and is under the authority of the DKI PTUN, “Busyro said on Saturday (9/26).
(sut / south)
[Gambas:Video CNN]