BSU BLT BPJS Pay Subsidy Phase 2 Liquid, When will all BCA, BRI, BNI and CIMB accounts be transferred?


DIY NEWS – The Ministry of Manpower states that BLT’s Wage Subsidy or Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) Phase 2 has been disbursed as of Monday, November 9, 2020.

The beneficiaries also began to report that the transfer of the subsidized BLT to salary had taken place.

This week the transfer process was carried out to 2.1 million recipients. Meanwhile, the total number of recipients reached 12 million.

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“We made sure that BSU’s second term was disbursed today (Monday). This afternoon (Monday) I received a report that the data on BSU stage 1 recipients of 2,180,382 people had been processed in KPPN. It will then be transferred to the channel bank and disbursed into each recipient’s account, both Himbara and non-Himbara accounts, as well as the first term mechanism, “Menaker Ida was quoted as saying on the official website of the Ministry of Manpower. , on Monday, November 9, 2020.

So when will the transfer take place to other recipients?

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But why do many still complain that the accounts have not been transferred?

According to the head of the Public Relations Office of the Ministry of Human Resources, Soes Hindharno, the beneficiaries who received the BLT wage subsidy in advance were those whose accounts were either state-owned or Himbara-owned banks such as BRI, Bank Mandiri and BTN .
