RINGTIMES BALI – The following is the BRI E-Form link to find out if you are registered as a recipient of productive Presidential Assistance (banpres) or BLT UMKM IDR 2.4 million or not. See requirement number 4 to pass verification.
Do you want to know if you are a BLT UMKM beneficiary or not? Now you can check it online. Please verify your details to pass the BLT UMKM verification.
You can visit eform.bri.co.id/bpum page, just by entering your NIK KTP number, you can easily find out if you qualify as a BLT UMKM recipient.
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Previously, the BRI bank through its Corporate Aestika Oryza Gunarto, quoted on the YouTube channel Kompas TV, explained that it was designated by the government as a channel bank for Productive Banpres for Micro Enterprises (BPUM) and the Company.
His party has sent SMS notifications to beneficiaries to make it easier for the public to obtain information.
To help and make things easier for people who do not receive SMS notifications but want to know whether they have received assistance or not, he said, they can access the website eform.bri.co.id/bpum.
Also Read: Please Check Your Data Again To Pass BLT UMKM Verification, Login To eform.bri.co.id/bpum, Beware Scorch
1. Visit eform.bri.co.id