BMKG: Residents must end possible panic tsunami and Megathrust earthquake Page all

[ad_1] The latest research study on the potential for a 20-meter tsunami in southern Java by researchers at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has gone viral, causing panic and anxiety in some people.

However, the Chief of Earthquake Information and Tsunami Early Warning of the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), Dr. Daryono, emphasized that the public should not have a misperception about this latest study.

Daryono explained that public anxiety and panic that often arise due to information about the possibility of a high-thrust earthquake appears to occur due to a misunderstanding.

Experts in modeling potential disasters are intended as a reference for mitigation efforts.

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“Yes, (the study of a potential tsunami of 20 meters) is just a result modeling“Daryono told, Sunday (9/27/2020).

However, Daryono admitted, some people understood it less accurately, as if a disaster were to strike in the near future.

This misunderstanding of perceptions is seen as a continuing problem in scientific communication.

This is because until now there is still a gap between experts and their scientific concepts, as well as between people who have very diverse backgrounds and levels of knowledge.

“It seems that these types of cases will continue to recur and of course we must fix it and finish it,” he said.

Also read: Potential tsunami 20 meters south of Java, BMKG: Don’t panic and focus on mitigation

People are asked not to be easily provoked

Daryono admitted that public panic over information about the possibility of mega earthquakes had occurred frequently and had been repeated since the aftermath of the 2004 Aceh tsunami.

The noise due to the possibility of mega earthquakes and their tsunamis always appears, each expert raises their views on the possibility of earthquakes and tsunamis.

“In closing, we hope that people will continue to improve literacy, so it is not easy to be surprised whenever there is information about possible disasters,” he said.

The public is also asked not to be easily provoked by the headlines of the news media that report in a grandiose way about possible disasters.

Tsunami illustration, tsunami early warningShutterstock Tsunami illustration, tsunami early warning

Daryono revealed that sometimes there are outlets that present incomplete news by citing sources, resulting in snippets of news that eventually lead to misperceptions in the community.

“You have to be vigilant, but not be afraid and panic about the result. There is potential, but when you don’t know. Our grandchildren are not sure either. Let’s end this panic together and now is the time to organize mitigation together,” he said. .

ITB Research: 20-meter tsunami potential in South Java

The results of the investigation related to the potential of a tsunami reaching a height of 20 meters in the south of the island of Java and going viral have been published in the magazine. Nature science report, Thursday (9/17/2020).

The first author of the research was Sri Widyantoro of the Global Geophysics Research Group, ITB. The other research team consisted of Endra Gunawan, A Muhari, N. Rawlinson, J mori, NR Hanifa, S Susilo, P Suspendi, HA Shiddiqi, AD Nugraha and HE Putra.

Also read: ITB research reveals the potential of a 20 meter tsunami in South Java, here is the explanation

The research started 5 years ago, following the modeling of potential seismic disasters in subduction zones throughout southern Java based on multi-hazard analysis and multiple data for risk reduction or disaster mitigation.

How it was published, Friday (9/25/2020), Endra, one of the researchers on the investigation, said that the potential for a large tsunami and earthquake in southern Java came from analysis of GPS data and recorded earthquake data.

Based on GPS data, it shows a quiet earthquake zone. This means that it could be that the area is moving slowly, so that the earthquake does not happen, or else there is blockage, the area is blocked so that it cannot move.

“Because the earthquake is cyclical, then there will be times in the area where there is accumulation of energy, which will then release it when an earthquake occurs,” Endra said.

Also read: ITB researchers assess the potential of a 20-meter tsunami, experts call to be alert

Also, Endra said, if an earthquake occurred in these areas at the same time, then worst of cases (worst case) indicates a potential earthquake up to M 9.1.

“Then, from this information, we modeled the tsunami potential, and a 20 meter (tsunami potential) appeared in West Java, and 10 meters in Central and East Java,” said ITB’s geophysics technical lecturer.

Endra emphasized that this study is not talking about predicting when the great earthquake will occur.

Science or any researcher, he said, so far does not have the ability to predict the moment of the earthquake.
