Bill Gates Predicts Covid-19 Vaccine Available September 2021


LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – Bill Gates, who for 5 years warned about a pandemic that could destroy humans and harm the economy, gave a prediction on Covid-19 on Wednesday (04/08/2020) that contained both good and bad news.

The bad news, he said, is that the new Covid-19 vaccine will be available around September 2021 and the United States will only be able to relax the rules of social prison by the end of May tomorrow.

Gates’s calculations of the vaccines were based on vaccine candidates who were also funded by his foundation. He said the Covid-19 vaccine candidates developed at full speed, with little risk of side effects.

Of the 100 vaccines developed, he said, there were 10 candidates that were “very promising.” The 10 vaccine candidates include those developed by Moderna-NIAID, an international consortium based in Oslo, Norway. The Modern-NIAID vaccine candidate was tested on humans on March 16 yesterday.

READ: Since 2018, Bill Gates has a horrible prediction about the Corona virus

Gates also estimates that new professional sports events can be held normally until the vaccine is available and many people are using it.

The good news, Gates continued, is that the world will no longer experience such a pandemic because it has learned from the Covid-19 experience, especially about monitoring the spread of new viruses, rapid testing, and international cooperation to find antidotes.

Bill Gates also said that now the focus of private pharmaceutical companies and countries of the world is to develop not only vaccines but also medicines.

He said that with global cooperation in drug development like this, the drugs will be available immediately in 4-6 months if new dangerous viruses emerge in the future.

READ: Bill Gates funds Covid-19 vaccine ready to test in humans

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