Bill Gates: Corona virus vaccine could be routine vaccination for babies


CALIFORNIA, – Bill Gates became a prominent figure during the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). The reason is that the founder of Microsoft is working with the parties that handle the pandemic.

The Gates Foundation has funded several Covid-19 efforts. He even said he was willing to risk billions of dollars to develop vaccines and logistics that could potentially save billions of dollars.

In a recent blog post on the Covid-19 vaccine, Gates explained the current progress. He believes there are eight to 10 promising vaccine candidates.

Once perfect for release, Gates said the vaccine could be part of the newborn’s immunization schedule. Gates explained in a detailed blog post that there are currently at least 115 Covid-19 vaccine candidates in development.

“I think eight to ten seem very promising. Our foundation will monitor everything to see if we miss those with positive characteristics,” he said as quoted by BGR Saturday (02/05/2020).

Earlier, Gates said his foundation would help develop seven of them, including the factories and supply chains necessary for mass production. These projects will run simultaneously, even if only one or two vaccines are selected for mass inoculation.

Gates emphasized that when uploading his blog, vaccines must be safe and effective. In fact, they are being accelerated to be ready from 9 months to 2 years from now.

Publisher: Dini Listiyani
