Before registering, be sure to prepare these 3 conditions to pass the Lot 10 pre-employment card


DIY NEWS – The pre-employment card program is one of the government’s programs to help improve skills before employment.

It is known that the registration for the pre-employment cards of lot 9 is closed from Monday, September 21, 2020.

There is an opportunity for those of you who have not signed up for the pre-employment card program or have still failed batch 9.

Also read: Cancel today, when will batch 10 pre-employment card registration open? This is the word of management

Rumor has it that registration for Lot 10 pre-employment cards will be open today, Thursday, September 24, 2020.

Lot 10 of pre-employment cards is expected to target 200 thousand people, because if you count the distribution of pre-employment cards from lot 1-9, there are still around 200 thousand people.

Applicants who qualify for pre-employment cards will receive an incentive pool of 3.5 million IDR, with details of 1 million IDR for training fees, 2.44 million IDR for training incentives and 150 thousand IDR for bonuses for completing surveys.

Also read: After 180 thousand, the management of the pre-employment card will block hundreds of thousands of other participants! This is the criterion

Registration for Lot 10 pre-employment cards is scheduled to open starting today.
