Before dying Didi Central Kempot talks about Islam and the intention of Umrah


Jakarta, Insert Didi Kempot died at the age of 53. The last time he breathed was Tuesday (5/5) at 07:45 WIB at Kasih Ibu Surakarta Hospital, Solo, Central Java, due to cardiac arrest.

Before his death Didi Kempot expressed his desire to worship Umrah, this was directly expressed by the Koran teacher, KH Abdul Karim or Gus Karim.

“Finally, he also wants an Umrah. I want to invite myself later. I just spoke, I don’t know when (Umrah). He really wanted Umrah and the Wali Songo pilgrimage,” said Gus Karim, when he visited Didi Kempot at Kasih Ibu Hospital , Alone, as reported on Tuesday. (5/5).

The teacher studying President Joko Widodo said that the late Didi also visited him a few days ago. It revealed that Didi Kempot was later closer to religion.

“Four days ago I met him, phone calls, before Ramadhan had a chance to go to the cabin. Thank God he’s been close to religious matters lately,” the man continued.

Didi Kempot also mentioned her desire to sing religious songs and a duet with Sheikh Habib.

Didi kempotDidi Kempot / Photo: Marianus Harmita

Gus Karim also revealed his unforgettable memories of the singer. Race station this is

“He often asked me for water (prayers). That is my memory,” said Gus Karim.

“His figure was a reservoir, humble. A large but not arrogant, populist person,” concluded the caretaker of Al-Quranyy Azzayadyy, Solo, that.

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