‘Bedol Desa’, five bankers from Bank Mandiri become directors of BNI



The five former bankers of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk now occupy the board of directors of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI through the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of BNI (EGMS) that was held today Wednesday (9/2 / 2020).

One of them is Mandiri CEO Royke Tumilaar, who has now been transferred to BNI and also serves as CEO.

Mandiri’s second Alumni is the Chief Financial and Strategy Officer, Mandiri Silvano Rumantir, who has now been appointed BNI’s Director of Corporate Banking.

Through a virtual press conference, Royke admitted that Silvano’s move was entirely a shareholder decision, not an influence because he moved to BNI.

“Of course it was not me who decided to move Pak Silvano, but the shareholders,” Royke told the media team on Wednesday (9/2/2020).

However, considering his activities in the banking world, according to him, Silvano has the ability to serve as BNI’s Director of Corporate Banking.

“But by chance, BNI is more or less the same as Bank Mandiri, almost the same force in the corporation. Mr. Silavano is strong, he is the former CEO of Mandiri Sekuritas and has been in a corporation in a foreign bank. Also before becoming CFO, he was a corporation with Mandiri. With that experience, shareholders saw that he could be eligible to be Director of Corporate Banking, “he said.

Additionally, the Mandiri graduates who joined Royke to move to BNI were David Pirzada, who previously served as SEVP Wholesale Risk Mandiri, Muhamad Iqbal, who was previously SEVP SME Banking Mandiri, and Novita Widya Angraini, who previously served as SVP Strategy and Performance Management Mandiri.

In detail, the following is a list of the new directors of BNI:

Chairman Director: Royke Tumilaar

Deputy Director to the President: Adi Sulistyowati

Chief Financial Officer: Novita Widya Anggraini

Director of Risk Management: David Pirzada

International and Treasury Director: Henry Panjaitan

Consumer Business Director: Corina Leyla Karnalies

UMKM Commercial Director: Muhamad Iqbal

Director of Operations and Information Technology: YB Hariantono

Director of Human Capital and Compliance: Bob Tyasika Ananta

Director of Institutional Relations: Sis Apik Wijayanto

Director of Corporate Banking: Silvano Rumantir

Director of Services and Networks: Ronny Venir

(dna / dna)
