Bandung City Red Zone, PSBB proportional again, here’s what citizens can and can’t do


Report by Tribun Jabar reporter Nazmi Abdurahman

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNG – The Bandung city government has re-implemented the proportional PSBB following the increase in positive cases of Covid-19. Bandung City has returned to the red zone.

The Bandung city government has re-implemented road closures to minimize the appearance of crowds and the spread of the corona virus.

Proportional PSBB will be implemented after Mayor’s Bylaws (Perwal) are reviewed. This policy was taken as a step to return Bandung to the Covid-19 red zone.

“Yes, Bandung City is implementing proportional PSBB again. The initials will be revised as soon as possible,” Bandung Mayor Oded M Danial said in Bandung on Thursday (03/12/2020).

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In this proportional PSBB, there will be a reduction in capacity and hours of operation for all sectors that have been relaxed, such as shopping centers, restaurants, cafes, entertainment venues, tourist attractions and weddings.

“The WFH will be reinstated (70 WFH – 30 works). Closure of public facilities (parks, squares) and tightening of health protocols in traditional markets. Residents must adhere to the Proportional PSB rules, ”he said.

Regarding the road closures, Oded M Danial said that his party was currently still arguing with the Bandung Traffic Police over what points the road closure would take place.

“As for the roads to be closed, we are still coordinating with the police, one of which is the road being metered,” Oded said at Bandung City Hall on Thursday (03/12/2020).

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According to Oded, Jalan Dipatiukur is included in the closure plan because so far it is considered to be one of the areas where crowds occur frequently, especially in the late afternoon into the evening.
