Bak swallowed alone, initially claiming there were 74 women on apps …


Like swallowing his own salt, he initially claimed that there are 74 women in a dating app who are interested in him, Teddy now only rebutting - yesterday's hoax!

Grid.ID/Annisa Dienfitri Awalia

Like swallowing his own salt, he initially claimed that there are 74 women in a dating app who are interested in him, Teddy now only rebutting – yesterday’s hoax!

Grid ID – Recently, the figure of Teddy, the new husband of the late Lina Jubaedah, has returned to the public spotlight.

The reason is that after only 4 months of Lina Jubaedah’s passing, Teddy has spread his charm again through dating apps.

News release Grid ID before, Teddy had apparently been go ahead and replay pairing app.

Also read: Pandemic impact of Corona virus, Teddy Pardiyana has 100 Lina Jubaedah daily in a simple way

As we know, Teddy and the late Lina Jubaedah first met through the online singing app, Smule.

Again, Teddy is looking for a partner through an online application.

This is known from Teddy’s immediate confession Grid ID from the Celebrity Tribune page, Thursday (4/23/2020).

“I try go ahead They’ve spent 3 days on the app looking for a match, “Teddy said when contacted by the media team on Tuesday (04/21/2020).

Also read: I don’t want to lose from Sule, Teddy Pardiyana Also struggles to get out of Lina, admits women have esteemed him

In fact, according to Teddy, if there were 74 women interested in him.

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