Avoid financial stress, apply these 3 ways of saving after salary


YAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Managing money in a crown pandemic situation is possibly a challenge.

Because staying home, working and worshiping from home does not guarantee that your expenses will be more efficient. Instead, what happens may be the opposite, spending may be greater than income.

The causes are varied, for example, the temptation to shop online, the fun of playing online games with the frequency of contemporary sweet food and drinks.

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However, all of this can be controlled by saving money and managing expenses wisely.

Frugality is one way you can stay financially healthy during your home stay. Remember, don’t let the financial mess by #dirumahaja be too long.

So from now on, in addition to maintaining health and hygiene, you must also be able to maintain financial health. Also, whatever your current financial situation, try to stay grateful.

For the payday to last, apply a stress saving strategy in a simple way, as quoted in Cermati.com, Sunday (5/3/2020).

1. Create Things to do After payday

The key to money management success begins by getting used to making a financial plan or to-do list after payday. The target can clearly know the allocation of all monthly expenses.

This method will effectively help you become more aware when spending money. There is no mistaking where to start.

Also Read: 5 Tips for Managing Wages That Cut During the Corona Pandemic

Here is an example of a monthly list of financial tasks that you can emulate.

  • Monthly budget to send to parents (specifically for sandwich generation)
  • Budget to pay monthly bills (credit card payments, insurance, mortgages, motorcycle / car loans)
  • Budget for basic needs, including internet data rates and pulses
  • School fees for children (for married couples)
  • Donations, alms and alms budgets in the month of Ramadan
  • Savings and investment budget
  • Optional budget: the cost of self-entertainment, such as buying or ordering good food online

2. Try to keep saving and investing

When you experience situations full of uncertainties, such as when the Covid-19 virus outbreak will end, don’t despair. Stay focused on your financial goals.

For example, you have short-term financial goals, such as going home and New Year’s holidays with the family after the crown outbreak ends, so keep saving to meet these financial goals.

For those of you who have a fixed monthly income and your work is safe or not affected by the Covid19 virus, be grateful. Stay healthy, keep saving, invest and strengthen emergency fund savings.

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However, for those of you whose income is affected, how wages should be cut or have simply been laid off. There is no need to be discouraged.

Rebuild your enthusiasm to find new or additional sources of income for healthy financial returns

Don’t forget, try to reserve funds for savings, investments and emergency funds, even if the portions are small.

3. Apply a healthy and economic life

The spread of the corona virus makes us all aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and health. Always take care of your health and your family.

Get into the habit of eating nutritious food, diligently washing your hands, and exercising.

Let it be stored while you are at home, try cooking it yourself. Fill your spare time with positive and useful things like cooking to make hitting dalgona cakes or coffee instead of buying food and eating snacks. delivery everyday

Also read: Note: Here are 8 ways to save amid the Corona virus

Your finances may be less. Don’t get addicted to pay to use pay later Keep buying good food, drinks and snacks. In fact, buying outdoor eating habits is not necessarily healthy.

Begin to balance by cooking on your own. Take note of the food menu for a week, choose a menu that is easy to cook and nutritious.

Occasionally, you can treat yourself, when you want to eat your favorite restaurant menus, you can order online. Remember, don’t confuse snacks!

To be healthy, take time to sunbathe so your body gets a natural intake of vitamin D. Do so between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Then drink plenty of water and eat fruits and light exercise routines like yoga, zumba, or light cardio at home.

Also read: There is the Corona virus, here it is explained how to save expenses during Ramadan

In principle, buy and buy as needed

Train to get used to buying products or buying as needed.

Find out immediately why your spending is higher when you’re at home. If necessary, stop washing your eyes by shopping online at electronic commerce.

Focus on your financial goals and slowly pay off the debt you have so that your life is calmer and you avoid financial stress.

This article is a collaboration between Kompas.com and Cermati.com. The complete content is the responsibility of Cermati.com.
