KOMPAS.com – Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) in Sarongan and Rajagwesi, Banyuwangi Regency, was destroyed by a crowd on Wednesday (05/13/2020).
At least five TNMB officers were forced to be transferred to the hospital due to injuries sustained after the massive anarchist action.
The head of the TNMB Administrative Subsection, Khairun Nisa, said the mass destruction case had been reported to the police.
“We have reported the case of vandalism and persecution to the Banyuwangi Regional Police Station, and informed the Ministry of Environment and Forestry,” it said when confirmed at the Jember Regency on Thursday (05/14/2020).
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Reporting from BetweenKhairun explained, the anarchist action began with information from the public about allegations of illegal poaching in the TNMB area on Monday (05/11/2020).
After that, the officers followed the information by keeping a patrol.
“Officers then sponsored the Sukamade Resort work area and found motorcycles driven by two people, so officers prevented them from being searched in luggage on Monday (5/11) at night,” he said.
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Officers finally secured one person, and another person escaped. The officer took him to the local police station for legal prosecution.
A few days after the arrest, residents found a body floating in the Sukamade River on Wednesday (05/13) around 10:00 WIB.
“With the findings of the body, rumors later circulated in the community that made the masses flock to the section office until an anarchist action occurred that caused damage to the assets and wounded officers,” he said.