As of Project 17 M, the Regent of Central Aceh was threatened by his deputy, this is a fact


SERAMBINEWS.COM – Aceh center ruler Shabela Abubakar said he and his family were threatened with death.

He claimed that the person who threatened and killed him was his own representative, Firdaus.

The dispute between the two began with a talk on projects worth Rp 17 billion.

In addition to being threatened, Shabela Abubakar admitted that he was also on the verge of fighting with his deputy.

Shabela Abubakar will also inform the police deputy of the death threat charges.

The incident started when they discussed in the Shabela Abubakar room.


Central Aceh Regent, Shabela Abubakar (Middle) while in the Central Aceh Regent Hall room. ( IWAN HAPPY SP)

According to the central Aceh ruler, Firdaus questioned the project.

But Shabela Abubakar did not understand the project to which Paradise refers.

Regarding the allegations of death threats, Firdaus denied the information that was circulating.
