Cyberthreat.id: The technology has been used to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. One step taken by several countries in an effort to curb the spread of CoronaVirus is to develop a contact tracking / contact application.
The idea behind the development of this application is when someone is diagnosed with Covid-19, the application works by observing everyone who is in the Bluetooth range (which works in a range of less than 10 meters). The person in question has been infected with the Corona virus, but is still asymptomatic but can transmit it. People were then contacted and then evaluated through this app, including requesting data.
Such methods have been carried out in China in a rather invasive way. There, phone numbers and citizen identification numbers are used, so the government knows everyone. People even get color-coded QR codes that they have to show on demand.
A similar app used in South Korea turned out to contain more personal data. The LA Times revealed that the application details developed by @Seoul_gov for each Covid-19 case were quite surprising.
The application contains the following elements:
1. Surname
2. gender
3. year of birth
4. Location / region of residence (no address)
5. work
6. Travel history
7. Contact with known cases.
8. Hospital where patients are examined.
Singapore also makes its own apps which it offers to various other countries. The method is to ask users to agree that the app’s data will be accessed if positively diagnosed, and then the government gets a cell phone number from the user’s contact to send them a text message.
Contact tracking Mandatory full privacy protection
There are a number of things worth noting regarding privacy protection, especially in developing contact tracking applications. Reported by 9to5mac.com, there are several things that are possible to track contacts, but at the same time they can protect people’s privacy.
Like this the way:
1. Everyone has a unique and anonymous ID that is not associated with their identity.
2. When the user is within Bluetooth range of one’s cell phone, the user’s device and ID are exchanged and note the fact that the user has contacted.
3. When someone is diagnosed, the application will send a warning to all recorded IDs.
4. The user will not know the identity of the person who is being diagnosed.
5. The authorities can verify that the user is a confirmed contact and that he has the right to prove it.
6. Authorities also cannot see who the user’s contacts are.
This system does not reveal who has been in contact with whom, and also prevents people from being attacked or rejected due to suspected infection. In principle, no one will know who he is.
However, in a crisis of this magnitude, people may feel anxious to trust the government with this confidential data. Experts Jon Evans through TechCrunch said that all things about contact tracking has been developed and done by tech giants Apple and Google.
Evans said it was very easy for Apple and Google to implement contact tracking by including it in iOS and Android updates.
“Android and iOS can and should add and run interoperable privacy preservation features like TraceTogether (the Singapore app) at the operating system level,” Evans said.
In his explanation, Evans said, involving Apple and Google meant that he forced everyone to trust corporate / corporate oversight, which of course made many people around the world feel awkward.
But, he said, at least the public might think that an effort is being made, for example, there would be no new surveillance infrastructure.
“Apple and Google, compared to cell phone providers, have a strong institutional history and focus on protecting privacy and limiting their supervisory authority,” said Evans.
Additionally, Evans saw that Apple’s commitment to privacy has long been a competitive advantage. Google offers a comprehensive set of tools that allow users to control their data and privacy settings.
Now who will you trust when searching for contacts? Your government? Or Apple and Google’s partnership with Apple, which has stated that privacy protection meets its standards?
Everyone has a choice and you can check one, both, or choose between one, two, or neither. However, there are governments in several countries committed to protecting the privacy of their citizens with a variety of ecosystem support such as technology, human resources, and regulation.