Anies uploads photos of his university period at UGM, Warganet: May Allah …



JAKARTA – DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan uploaded a photo of his past memories while still studying at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta. There are several photos uploaded to the Instagram account @aniesbaswedan. You can see a photo of him and a photo of his friends, as well as a photo when the former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) graduated.

This morning a notification appeared: UGM AnniversaryAnies, who is currently isolated because he was positively infected by Covid-19, tweeted, quoted on Saturday (12/19/2020).

Memory spins, repeating recordings of memories of college and studying in Jogja“Anies said.

The father of four later told us that his home is in Karangwuni, just 1/2 km from the UGM Central Building. “Childhood is the time to play on campus. For most of us, the UGM central building, the Student Center, or the UGM campus remind us of college days. But for us, the families and residents who live around campus, the UGM campus is our hometown, a place to play, a place to explore.“he tweeted.

(Also read: Ridwan Kamil-Mahfud MD is hostile to the calm of Anies Baswedan ).

For young children at the time, Anies said, the new buildings were a playground of endless mazes. The laboratory forests scattered around the campus are used as a place to play war games. “After seeing the movie in November 1828, the forest became a place of guerrilla warfare for elementary school children., “he said.

In its infancy, UGM was an open campus accessible to all. “The campus belongs to the people. The campus did not belong to a single person, it did not belong to us, at that time everyone was still aware that this strategic land, such a large campus was the gift and generosity of a visionary, statesman and protector: Ngarso Dalem Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX“he tweeted.

Anies said that the university was the main complement. He entered the Faculty of Economics, UGM class of 1989. Learning in the conference room and outside the conference room has become a lesson whose lessons have flowed non-stop until now. It was during this college period that Anies left a mark on his experiences. The agitation of ideas about openness and democracy faced the repressive conditions of the era of the New Order.

We are grateful to have taken the route of annoyance, the route of struggle, standing on the side of the driving force for change, together in a generation of students who stand firm to express and fight for change. God willing, all of us who have experienced state education will continue to dedicate their knowledge to Mother Earth …, “he said.

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He hopes that UGM will continue and remain a campus that grows in the care of others, the reality in society, and is at the forefront of the development of science, in addition to developing the full potential of the academic community. “Happy Anniversary of Gadjah Mada University, “He concluded.

The upload of various photos of Anies also received various comments from netizens. “Go UGM, great sir, your language is like that of a scientist, only those who hate you do not understand, but Alhamdulillah there are more and more who pray for you in the future.“tweeted account owner @yusmanrizaldy.

This is authentic from UGM“wrote the account owner @ceo_lfa.

(Also read: If Anies is a candidate, these are the names that deserve to be your Cawapres ).

There are also citizens who are waiting for Anies to become president. “Mr. Anis, I hope that Allah will make you president in the future, because Indonesia needs a leader like you … Bismillah … accept it, rhabbal’alamiin, “cuit akun @ novaandriana.kertawijaya

There are also citizens who salute and confess from Turkey. “Hello, your friend came from Turkey❤ “, tweeted account owner @__isml___.

