The shur video called Citizen like Gisel and Jessica Iskandar made a scandal. Now the police are being asked to intervene to spread the video.
The video, of which the cast is said to resemble two celebrities, is busy turning into a conversation in the near future. After a video called Gisel-like appeared, recently a video called Jedar-like netizen, the nickname for Jessica Iskandar, was also discussed.
As a result of this video, Jessica Iskandar’s Instagram began to be flooded with comments from netizens. Jessica Iskandar’s brother, Erick Iskandar, admitted that he was shocked by this news.
It was said that Erick, his younger brother could not have done such a stupid thing.
“Jessica is not that stupid,” Erick told reporters on Sunday (11/8/2020).
Irritated by the appearance of the exciting video, two lawyers reported it to the police. The video diffuser was polished and requested to be searched immediately.
The first report came from lawyer Febriyanto Dunggio, who is also a member of APMI. Informed the sex video broadcaster and player to SPKT Polda Metro Jaya on the basis of LP number: TBL / 6608 / XI / Yan.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ dated November 7, 2020. The report has been received by Polda Metro Jaya.
“The circulation of immoral videos similar to an artist should be brought to the scope of the law for an investigation, especially when there are allegations of involving public figures,” the reporter, Febriyanto, said in his statement on Saturday (11/7 / 2020).
Febriyanto assessed that the sex tape allegedly made by someone who looked like the artist had made a scene in the virtual world. Furthermore, video content is also considered illegal.
“The content clearly contains violations and criminal acts, both according to the Pornography Law and the ITE Law prohibiting immorality, if the authors who did, edited and distributed it should be duly prosecuted by law”, said.
He also regretted that neither party had taken legal action. Also, similar immoral videos involving alleged artists have happened many times, but they have never been clear.