Agriculture Minister Yasin Limpo revokes cannabis rules for assisted medicinal plants


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo revoke the rules it made in the Kepmentan RI Number 104 / KPTS / HK.140 / M / 2/2020, which establishes marijuana as a medicinal plant under the direction of the General Director of Horticulture.

The Minister of Agriculture stated that his party would study it in coordination with the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

“Kepmentan 104/2020 will be temporarily revoked for review and the review will be carried out immediately in coordination with relevant stakeholders,” said Director of Vegetables and Medicinal Plants, Tommy Nugraha, in a press release received., Saturday (8/29).

On this occasion, Tommy emphasized that the Ministry of Agriculture does not support the cultivation of cannabis that is prohibited in Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotic Drugs. Tommy while emphasizing that marijuana is classified as a class I narcotic along with methamphetamine, cocaine, opium, and heroin. Permission to use class I narcotics is only allowed in certain cases.

The regulation of cannabis as a group of medicinal plant products, he continued, is only permitted for cannabis grown for the benefit of medical and / or scientific services, and legally by the Narcotics Act. In addition, he said that article 67 of Law No. 13 of 2010 on Horticulture has regulated the regulations on the abuse of crops.

The article says: The cultivation of types of horticultural plants that are harmful to public health can be carried out for the benefit of health services and / or science, unless the law provides otherwise.

The Director of Processing and Marketing of Horticultural Products of the Ministry of Agriculture, Bambang Sugiharto, previously stated that marijuana remains illegal in Indonesia despite Ministerial Decree 104/2020 being declared as a commodity that is included in the list of medicinal plants of the Director General of Horticulture.

Marijuana remains illegal both as a medicinal plant and for free consumption.

“It is not legalized. It is still prohibited, although there is medicinal cannabis, but in Indonesia it does not legalize the cannabis plant. There is a statement, it is not cultivated,” Bambang told, Saturday (8/29).

The Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, has designated the cannabis plant as one of the medicinal products under the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture.

This stipulation is contained in the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 104 / KPTS / HK.140 / M / 2/2020 on Products Assisted by the Ministry of Agriculture that was signed by Yasin Limpo since February 3.

“The basic products promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture include products under the direction of the General Directorate of Food Crops, the General Directorate of Horticulture, the General Directorate of Plantations and the General Directorate of Livestock and Animal Health”, reads the first opinion of the Minister of Commodities, which was downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Agriculture on Saturday (8/29).

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[Gambas:Video CNN]
