Action to remove HRS billboards, Kapolda Metro Jaya: I support the Pangdam Jaya movement with good aims


PRECISION JOURNAL – Following the transfer from Kapolda Metro Jaya, Inspector General of Police Mohammad Fadil Imran responded to actions taken by Pangdam Jaya, TNI Major General Dudung Abdurachman, to stop HRS billboards.

His party supports the removal of billboards containing a moral revolution as echoed by the Grand Imam of the Front of Islamic Defenders (FPI).

According to him, the dismantling action had a good purpose for the country, his party also conveyed that putting up posters or billboards carelessly was a violation.

Also read: In the wake of HRS billboards downsizing, Fadli Zon reminds Pangdam Jaya: Don’t get sucked into politics anymore

“I support the move of the Pangdam Jaya, because it must have a good purpose for this country. Viola the Perda, there are rules to put the banner. There must be a permit, and you must pay taxes, that’s what I say with strict precautions or preventive strike,“he said, as reported by PMJ News on November 20, 2020.

Additionally, Fadil said she would carry out intervention efforts from an early age, if a crowd was found in the community.

Additionally, it is considered to have disrupted the safety and life of the community during a pandemic like this one.

Also Read: FPI Billboards Removed By TNI, Pangdam Jaya: That’s My Order!

“We are going to intervene from every step, efforts that can cause crowds,” he added.

Fadil also conveyed that if the police are present to protect the community, when someone disturbs the safety and soul of the community, his party is not ashamed to enforce the law strictly.
