Achmad Yurianto dismissed from the Director General of the Ministry of Health



Achmad Yurianto is no longer the Director General of Disease and Prevention (P2P) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Yurianto is currently serving as an expert staff of the Ministry of Health for Health Technology and Globalization.

“That’s right,” Yurianto said when confirmed by on Friday (10/23).

Yurianto has not served as CEO of P2P for a year. When asked further, he said his removal was related to mutations that generally occur within the ministry.

“This is an ordinary mutation,” he said.

The position of Director General of P2P, left by Yurianto, will be filled by the working group.Yurianto was previously known to the public as Spokesperson for the Working Group for Accelerating the Management of COVID-19 before being replaced by Prof. Wiku Adisasmito.

Contacted separately, the secretary general of the Ministry of Health, Oscar Primadi, said the same. He said job rotations were common.

“We see this as normal. We want to optimize this COVID-19 so it can be more focused,” said Oscar.

Watch video “Government explains definition of close contact related to COVID-19
[Gambas:Video 20detik](kna / up)
