A group of people sweeping up French products in central Jakarta, bought and then burned



A group of people from the Islamic Youth Movement sweeping of French products in a convenience store in Menteng, central Jakarta. The masses buy the product and then burn it.

This radical action was a form of condemnation of French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement on Islam. As reported by CNN Indonesia TV, on Wednesday (11/4/2020), the incident occurred on Tuesday (11/3) yesterday afternoon. The young people seemed to go into a convenience store and then look for products from France.

Some of the products purchased include mineral water, milk, and facial cleansers. After paying at the cashier, the products were discarded in front of the convenience store, some taken to GPI headquarters in Menteng, central Jakarta, and then burned along with a poster with a photo of President Macron.

“Today reveals the disappointment at the blasphemy of French President Macron, that is, that he will withdraw the products made in France for us to take and then destroy them so that the Indonesian people know that France is not worthy of us,” said one of the young people during a sweep in the convenience store.

Youth organizations were also seen carrying signs with the words “Expel the French Ambassador to Indonesia.”
