A flash of hope from the Covid-19 Remdesivir Gilead Drug, effective?


Washington DC, CNBC Indonesia – Remdesivir, an antiviral medication manufactured by Gilead Sciences based in the United States (USA), is claimed to accelerate the healing of patients infected with Covid-19. Not only that, according to reports, the patient could recover after two weeks of treatment.

It also caused the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to urge the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve the use of remdesivir as a medicine for Covid-19 as soon as possible. Previously remdesivir was an antiviral to treat Ebola.

“I want them to approve it as soon as possible,” Trump said when he held a meeting with business executives at the White House on Wednesday (04/29/2020) local time.

Meanwhile, the FDA said they had had discussions with Gilead Sciences to make remdesivir available to Covid-19 patients as quickly as possible. In fact, according to a New York Times report, the FDA plans to announce the emergency use authorization for remdesivir.

“As part of the FDA’s commitment to accelerate the development and availability of a possible Covid-19 treatment, the FDA has been engaged in regular and ongoing discussions with Gilead Sciences about plans to make remdesivir available to patients as as quickly as possible, as appropriate, “FDA spokesman Michael Felberbaum told CNBC International.

Previously, trials were conducted by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. USA (NIAID). About 50% of remdesivir-treated patients who use one dose for five days can leave the hospital faster than other treatment methods, such as placebo medications.

“The data shows that remdesivir has a clear and significant positive impact in reducing recovery time,” said White House health adviser Anthony Fauci, quoted by the BBC.

According to him, drugs can block the virus. He even believes there will be a new standard of care with the success of this trial.

“This opens the door to the fact that we now have the ability to deal,” he said.

However, it is not yet clearly known how the effect of this medicine in the death of the user. The death rate for people who received remdesivir, the media noted, was 8%.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(miq / dru)
