A flame in Belgium can be a secret weapon Defeat Covid-19



Suara.com – A flame in Belgium could be humanity’s secret weapon against the Covid-19 outbreak, say researchers from the United States and Belgium. South China Morning Post, Saturday (02/05/2020).

Your research will be published in a magazine. Mobile Second edition of the week of May 2020. It discussed the issue of flame antibodies that could neutralize the new corona virus Sars-Cov-2, the trigger for the Covid-19 outbreak.

“This is the first antibody in the world that can neutralize Sars-Cov-2,” said Jason McLellan of the University of Texas, United States, who participated in the study.

The antibodies, he said, could be used to treat patients with Covid-19 to ease the severity of the disease.

McLellan and his team have been investigating the corona virus, including those that trigger SARS and MERS, for years. In 2016 they injected a flame called Winter with the SARS and MERS viruses to find a cure for both diseases.

“I thought this would be just a small side project,” said Dorien De Vlieger, from the University of Ghent in Belgium, who participated in the study.

The result is that Winter’s immune system produces two types of antibodies. The first is very similar to human antibodies and the second is smaller. Two antibodies from Winter’s body are known to be effective against the SARS coronavirus.

Scientists recently tested winter antibodies to defeat Covid-19. Initially, the antibody was found to have successfully targeted Sars-Cov-2, but was still too weak. They then combined the two antibodies so that they could be more effective in fighting the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

Smaller flame antibodies, called single domain antibodies or nanobodies, can be used in inhalers so that they can directly attack viruses in the respiratory tract.

Researchers are now preparing to test Winter’s antibodies to hamsters or primates, before testing them in humans.

Winter is now four years old and raised on a farm belonging to the University of Ghent. In the installation there are around 130 flames.
