A few more Carita residents confirmed positive Covid-19


Illustration – special photo from CNN Indonesia

PANDEGLANG – Pandeglang Covid-19 Task Force Management Team spokesman Achmad Suleman said a resident of the Carita District was Covid-19 positive. The person in question is currently being treated at Berkah Pandeglang General Hospital.

Sulaeman said the positive resident was a family member of the deceased monitored patient (PDP) who was previously claimed to be Covid-19 positive. Of the 9 people who tested Swab, 2 were positive for Covid-19, while another 7 were still awaiting the results of the Swab test.

“Add a positive swab. Carita’s origin was the son of the deceased from the first case. So even from the Swab results, the family of the deceased has 2 positives, the rest are still waiting,” Sulaeman said via your press release, Friday (5/1/2020).

He claimed that currently in the Pandeglang district Covid-19 transmission had occurred locally. Therefore, he asked all Pandeglang residents to adopt a healthy lifestyle and stay home if there was no urgent need.

“So that contributes to the ODP and PDP figures. Both the treaties and those who died had contact with people from the affected areas, and bear in mind that there has been a local transmission,” he explained.

So far, in the Pandeglang district, there are 3 residents who tested positive for Covid-19, 2 people are still being treated, and 1 person has died.

While the patients in care died up to 24 people and the monitored people up to 874 people with 2 of them.

(Med / red)
