ACEH TIMUR, KOMPAS.TV – The perpetrator of rape and stabbing with the initials S against a 9-year-old boy is subject to multiple articles and the death penalty.
The perpetrator is subject to first-degree murder or rape. The article on premeditated murder stipulates the threat of the death penalty, life imprisonment or a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.
“We caught him with layered articles, namely, article 338 juncto 340 juncto 285 juncto 351 paragraph 2 of the Penal Code and / or article 80 of Law 35 of 2014 of the Law for the Protection of Minors,” said the Head of Langsa Police Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Arief S Wibowo at a press conference (10/13/2020).
The perpetrator was arrested by the police on October 11, 2020. S was arrested for stabbing a 9-year-old boy who tried to fight him when he was about to rape the boy’s mother.
This incident took place in Bireum Bayeum, East Aceh on Saturday morning, October 10, 2020.
Also read: Sad! Here’s the timeline of a 9-year-old boy stabbed against his mother’s rapist
The incident began when the perpetrator entered a shack in the interior of East Aceh. The aggressor tried to rape the victim’s mother with the initials D (28). When she was about to be raped, D defended herself and a fight broke out with the perpetrator. This caused her son D, a 9-year-old victim, to wake up and help his mother.