On a closer look, know the relationship of vitamin D and depression



Suara.com – Vitamin D is very beneficial to the body, including maintaining healthy bones, brain, and heart. On the other hand, vitamin D is also related to our mood.

In fact, there is evidence that a lack of vitamin D levels is associated with depression. However, that doesn’t mean that getting more types of this vitamin alone can prevent or treat depression.

Here is what you need to know about the relationship between vitamin D and depression. Well-informed person

Vitamin D deficiency and depression

There are reviews of 13 studies in more than 31,000 respondents who found that vitamin D deficiency had an increased risk of depression.

“Low vitamin D levels are associated with major and minor depression, as well as with mood disorders and faster cognitive decline,” said Robin Forountan, MS, RDN, HHC, a holistic medicine nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Diet.

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The right way to sunbathe during a Corona pandemic (Shutterstock)

Low vitamin D levels can harm a person’s cognitive function because there are vitamin D receptors in the brain area responsible for mood and behavior, including the development of depression.

The average adult needs about 600 to 800 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day. For reference, a serving of salmon contains around 400 IU.

However, some foods naturally contain enough vitamin D to obtain a daily dose.

The most common way to obtain it is through sunlight, because vitamin D is synthesized by the skin in response to ultraviolet light.

You should try sunbathing for 15 minutes between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., three times a week, to get enough vitamin D.
