Didi Kempot’s religion is so perverse, Gus Miftah angry: he is Muslim


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Didi Kempot’s death remains a discussion of netizens about his religion. Didi Kempot’s real name, Dionisius Prasetyo, became an insignificant talk for netizens who wanted to know the religion of their idol.

Gus Miftah also showed his anger by uploading a video showing Didi Kempot while attending a study at the Ora Aji Islamic boarding school he runs on January 26, 2019. In the study that was accompanied by entertainment, he showed how Didi Kempot really he enjoyed after the study in the cabin that housed the marginalized people.

“I am sorry that I made the late Muslim Didi Kempot! Please do not argue further and ask for the best prayers for him … Al Fatihah,” he wrote completing the video that was uploaded.

Not just a video uploaded by Gus Miftah. He compiled the videos, one of which was time to participate in the recitation at the same time to provide entertainment about the match, which was apparently also followed by musician Djaduk Ferianto, despite his blurred face. Djaduk first died on November 13, 2019.

In the video when Didi Kempot followed the dhikr, it was written that the event was Mujahadah Dzikrul Ghafiilin or if it meant the memory of people who were negligent. This program is generally followed by a series of tawassul recitations reading Al Fatihah for the saints, selawat, istighfar, tahlil and prayers.

Didi Kempot, who died on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 7.47 at the age of 53 at Kasih Ibu Hospital, had converted to Islam in 1997. At birth, he was a Christian following his mother’s religion.

But he decided to become a convert in 1997 since he married Yan Vellia, his co-worker at every outdoor concert. Before he died, he even expressed his desire to go to Umrah and make religious songs. In fact, for Gus Miftah, Didi Kempot expressed his desire to recite the Koran at the Islamic boarding school Ora Aji.
