2 Tangerang Puskesmas prepared for the coordination of ODP, PDP and OTG Covid-19


TANGERANG, KOMPAS.com – The Tangerang City Government Health Service has prepared two puskesmas to provide isolation or shelter to patients with Covid-19.

The head of the Tangerang City Health Office, Liza Puspadewi, said that the two puskesmas prepared as Isolation Shelter Houses were Panunggangan Barat Puskesmas, Cibodas Subdistrict and Gebang Raya Puskesmas, Periuk Subdistrict.

Both Puskesmas serve as a reference place for people with People in Monitoring (ODP) status, People without symptoms (OTG) and Patients under monitoring (PDP) who do not have concomitant diseases.

“The facility (middle house) that he owns is also sufficient to serve covid-19 patients with ODP, OTG, or PDP status without comorbidities,” Liza said in a written statement Tuesday (5/5/2020).

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Liza explained that the two puskesmas were chosen because they had a small area, which only served one village.

The Chief of the Panunggangan Barat Health Center, Abu Khurairoh, said that although an isolation shelter was made, the Panunggangan Barat Health Center continued to provide health services to the general public.

By continuing to implement health protocols and the distance from service locations away from isolation rooms.

“As long as puskesmas becomes a haven of isolation, we will continue to provide services to the community by opening two poles, namely general polyethylene and cold, cold and fever,” he said.

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As for the bed capacity, Abu explained, the Panunggangan Barat Health Center has 36 beds divided into nine isolation rooms.

Each isolation room has a capacity of two to 10 beds, which currently has six patients.

“We also group patients based on sex and status, so they stay comfortable,” said Abu.

In addition to puskemas, the Tangerang city government is also preparing an independent isolation shelter for those with the Corona virus or COVID-19 at the Social Protection House (RPS) at the Social Service in Neglasari, Tangerang city.
