Don’t exercise too much during a crown pandemic, this is why


KONTAN.CO.ID – The new coronavirus pandemic changed most of human life, including its exercise routines. People also take advantage of what they have at home to continue exercising.

Exercising at home during a pandemic aims to keep people active, despite being socially isolated. Additionally, exercise can enhance the body’s immunity to fight the coronavirus.

For many people, home sports do it with jogging in the place push-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, or jump rope. But some people feel bored and want to sweat fast.

Well, experts warn, you have to do it safely, because there is a danger behind exercising too much at home. And this can happen to anyone, regardless of whether there is a pandemic or not.

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Adequate sport intensity

This is really quite simple. Adults should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity in one week and two days per week for muscle-strengthening activities, referring to the guidelines of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Of course, mixing it to break boredom is also good. However, it is important to avoid the mentality of many sports to improve due to the benefits of exercising around 300 minutes per week.

“Whatever your routine exercise is, I won’t trade it for Covid-19,” said Linda S. Pescatello, a professor of kinesiology at the University of Connecticut, USA. USA, As reported by Medical Daily.

