Baim Wong and Iis Dahlia: Both artists, but … i


Different lifestyle of artists.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Tjahja Gunawan, Senior Journalist

To be honest, I have not been a person who likes to be confused with the life of an artist, but after reading the viral news of the singer Iis Dahlia, who complained about the burden of debt payments to the bank to pay his luxurious house of Rp.17 billion, I became a contributor to the lifestyle and life of the artist.

I’m not curious about the solo work in the middle of Covid19 Pandemic, but I’m trying to find out if there are other artists that have different characters from Iis Dahlia, a 47-year-old dangdut singer born in Bongas, Indramayu Regency, West Java.

I accidentally read in the comment column of the lead journalist on my friend’s FB account, Ms Nina Bahri. There he was mentioned about Baim Wong. Mbak Nina did publish about the suffering of Indramayu’s sword, who lived a glamorous and twisted tajir, but now lives bitterly due to the Covid outbreak19.

So one of Mbak Nina’s friend lists “compared” the difference between the life of the sword and Baim Wong. From there, I started to get confused with this artist named Baim Wong. Then I Googling Wikipedia and visit the account YoutubeShe Search for historical years and their antecedents. Baim Wong, married to the beautiful wife Paula, was born 39 years ago in Jakarta with his real name Muhammad Ibrahim.


He previously knew that Baim Wong was “just” a soap opera player. I also knew at first glance that he was an artist who was also well known for his YouTube content.

In my imagination and perception, the most material content made by Baim Wong is not far from the activities of his personal life with his wife, who is also a model. Create YouTube content on foreign travel, sightseeing, and fun. Or, at best, husband and wife do cooking shows.

Earlier I thought, Boim Wong YouTube content is not far from the information and entertainment programs that are usually broadcast on television.

But apparently he was a little wrong. Some of my allegations are true, but my prior perception needs to be clarified. My mind was like this: Ah, all artists are equal, they tend to maintain their own image and deliberately elevate their personal lives into the public sphere to increase their popularity and / or satisfy the curiosity of their fans.

I have to correct my perception after seeing Baim Wong’s concern for little people. I don’t know if Iis Dahlia from Indrmayu has a social spirit or not. What is clear, according to the news reported from the Kumparan portal, the Isda Family YouTube account shows various sides of luxury houses owned by Iis Dahlia.

Yes it’s okay Anyway, I just want to laugh. The luxurious house on display turned out to be a credit house. The fees are quite large, Rp. 250 million per month. Enjoy bank interest payments deh.

Returning to Boim Wong’s concern for ordinary people whose fate was less fortunate. I watched for hours the action activities he visited while providing direct assistance to disadvantaged people through accounts Youtubeshe

Then I noticed his dialogues and Boim Wong’s body gestures when he met small people. This Boim.Wong social action was not once or twice, but repeatedly. That is what I saw on my YouTube account.

In my conclusion, Boim Wong did not intentionally pretend or establish the action, but actually came from his heart’s desire to share with people whose lives are less fortunate.

“Some of the assets we have are theirs,” Baim Wong said in several comments after visiting and giving compensation to the people who were at the base.

The social action carried out by Baim Wong not only provided compensation, but also bought land and built houses that he intentionally dedicated to the poor in Banten.

What I appreciate about this artist is that he is not like Sinter Klas or that he is in the “top position” when he chats and has dialogues with the people he helps. Baim Wong’s interaction with poor people is so close, liquid, and not distant.

Her hug looks so warm. For example, when you pretended to be a janitor, then gave money to passing scavengers, you first tried to have an informal conversation with the scavenger. Talk like humans, greet each other, get to know each other and speak even briefly.

Not only that, from the results of the short dialogue, Baim Wong often received messages of morals and principles of good life from the little people he met and helped. If I become a difficult person, I might also think: Who is this person, dressed in orange squares while carrying a broom on the edge, suddenly invites to chat and keeps giving money. Also wandering. So this person advised me not to forget the five daily prayers. Perhaps I will also think, so that I am not an angel in the form of a human.

Mashallah, let us continue to do good to others. No matter how small our good deeds are, they will still be recorded by angels. Similarly, the good deeds shown by Baim Wong can be an inspiration and propagation of a true Islamic Da’wah.

Baim Wong, in fact, is not a ustadz, but his care and assistance to other humans is a way of preaching, especially in charity, that Muslims should emulate.

Allah knows best.
