Surabaya Medical Officer Stories Scold While Tracking ODP COVID-19

[ad_1], Surabaya – The fight of medical personnel as the first line in the management of COVID-19 is really worthy of appreciation. A small part of them are officers investigating the epidemiology or tracing of COVID-19 Insiders’ Monitoring (ODP).

In the performance of his duties, the Surabaya city health center officer faced various experiences, from being reprimanded to being abused by OTG and ODP.

One of the surveillance officers who had been verbally scolded and abused by ODP was Ach. Fiercely Fiqqy. The person in charge of surveillance at the Krembangan Selatan Community Health Center said he was verbally scolded and abused during the COVID-19 outbreak. In fact, it always turns into a flavoring agent every day.

“In puskesmas there are several teams deployed. The team has a WhatsApp group, and the story in that group is almost the same, yes, there are those who get angry and some are vilified,” Fiqqi said on Sunday (03/05/2020 ).

In fact, Fiqqi admitted at the beginning of the crawl, he was often said to be a crazy person, there was no work, and various rants that were very uncomfortable at heart. However, because it was a work assignment and to help the people of Surabaya, he continued to do so despite the fact that it was full of struggle.

“The hardest thing is when there is an OTG and he doesn’t realize that he is sick, so he refuses to be isolated and treated. They always say I’m healthy, why should I be treated. Well, so he really needs a fight”. he is.
