The son’s response when Sirajuddin Mahmud asked permission to marry a Gothic Zaskia


YAKARTA, – The artistic marriage of the role of Imel Putri Cahyati with businessman Sirajuddin Mahmud Sabang ended in 2018.

From that marriage, they were blessed with a daughter, Aqila Ramadhani.

Imel revealed the message given by the princess to Sirajuddin when she requested permission to marry Zaskia Gotik’s swordsman recently.

Also read: For the sake of children, Emel Women Choose Many Silence Asked about Sirajuddin and Zaskia Gotik

“He (Aqila) is candy Really with his father. So when his father asked permission to married he just said ‘the important thing is that you are happy’. My son candy I really, really feel sorry for his father, “Imel Putri was quoted from the video on the Afdhal Yusman YouTube channel on Sunday (03/05/2020).

Imel also appreciates that Aqila has matured and can accept the situation.

“Assuming so, he already respects his parents’ decision. He understands that he feels the same love for his father, if he loves his mother again,” said Imel Putri.

Also read: Sirajuddin’s ex-wife Imel Putri: I have nothing with the Gothic Zaskia

The woman who was born in 1988 also claimed that she did not want to hurt Aqila’s feelings.

Therefore, he decided not to pay too much attention to the rumors about Sirajuddin and Zaskia Gotik.

“I will never mistreat my son, my son really loves his father. So let me have no problem. He keeps in touch with his father, he never forbids, he never talks about his father, he never speaks ill of him,” Imel said.

Also read: Imel Putri Cahyati reveals a bad relationship with her husband Zaskia Gotik

Although separated, Imel claimed that he still had good relations with the Sirajuddin family.

Although she never contacted her ex-husband again.

“After all, he was fine with his family (Sirajuddin). As his grandmother Aqila still called me, his brother still called me,” said Imel Putri.
