PDP died in Dirgahayu hospital



Preparation for the burial of the PDP who died in the Dirgahayu Hospital. (Photo: Nancy / KoranKaltim.Com)

KORANKALTIM.COM, SAMARINDA – Patients under supervision (PDP) in Samarinda returned dead on Sunday (3/5/2020). This was confirmed by the Acting Chief of the Samarinda Health Office (Dinkes), Ismed Kusasih.

He confirmed that the 36-year-old patient died after being admitted to the hospital the previous day, Saturday, May 2, 2020. Ismed said he had a congenital stroke and was suspected of being infected with Covid-19.

Therefore, a quick test is performed on the patient and shows reactive results. “So he was treated in the Dirgahayu Hospital isolation room since last Saturday. The results of the rapid tests were reactive,” Ismed said.

At this time, the scan of the patient’s body has been prepared and will be carried out according to a fixed protocol for Covid-19 sufferers. The body is scheduled to be buried at TPU Raudhatul Jannah in Tanah Merah Village.

In addition, Ismed added, the patient’s wife had undergone a rapid test and showed non-reactive results. “His wife has been quick, the results are negative,” he said.

It was not confirmed whether the patient has a history of travel outside the area. But according to information compiled from the report at 112, the patient who works as a courier has never been out of town.

Author: Permata S. Rahayu

Publisher: Hendra
