5 cases of Baby Covid-19 positive in the last week, hiring migrant workers with their parents


KOMPAS.com- The Corona virus attacks indiscriminately.

Not only adults, this virus also affects children, even babies.

Here are five positive cases of Covid-19 babies in Indonesia in the last week summarized by Kompas.com:

Also read: Babies named Corona in Cianjur, without virus meaning, these mean their names

1. A 3-month-old baby is infected by a parent

Illustration of a baby infected with the corona virusShutterstock.com Illustration of a baby infected with the corona virus

Babies 3 months from the city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) should be treated in a hospital isolation room because it was confirmed to be positive for Covid-19.

They were infected by their mother and father who had previously been declared positive.

“Yes, it is true, parents are positive and infectious for their children,” said the head of the Mataram City I Nyoman Swandiasa Office of Communication and Information (Kominfo), when confirmed by text message on Saturday (02/05) / 2020).

The allegations of hiring the parents were also corroborated from the results of the historical monitoring.

Because the 3-month-old baby has never had a history of travel to the Covid-19 transmission area.

Covid-19 also infects the baby’s 6-year-old brother.

Also read: Cases of Covid-19 positive children and toddlers in Indonesia who are not traveling, where is the transmission from?
