Saudi Arabia slowly opens the lock, the success of the Corona virus test key Mainly all


RIAD, – Saudi Arabia began to open or loosen the blocking rules slowly.

The test, retail stores and shopping malls in Saudi Arabia, as of Wednesday (04/29/2020) yesterday, has been operating for the public from 9 am to 5 pm local time.

However, even so, strict rules still apply to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Buyers’ body temperatures should be checked at the mall entrance. If there is a body temperature of more than 38 degrees Celsius, you should be taken immediately to the nearest medical center.

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Quoted from Arab News, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Commerce and Investment Abdulrahman Al-Hussein said:

“Commercial companies must verify the body temperature of their customers and employees before their working hours,

cosmetics and perfumes are not allowed to be tested, and the elevators are closed and apply the mark social distancing on the floor “.

Also, children under the age of 15 cannot enter the mall. Similarly, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses such as heart, lung, kidney, and immunity are asked to remain in their homes.

Although it has been loose, cafes and restaurants are still closed, as are changing rooms and prayer rooms.

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Various virus testing techniques are key to loosening the limit rules during Ramadan

Meanwhile, the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health has been tracking and treating cases of coronavirus disease through a variety of virus testing techniques.

That is what allows the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to loosen blockages or certain restrictions during Ramadan.

A spokesperson for the health ministry, Dr. Mohammed Al-Abd Al-Aly said: “We mark the geographic area or the area of ​​the population that is most likely to spread the virus.

They are treated by implementing preventive measures that are then treated as concentrated areas. In the end, it will protect the area around it. “

Area assessments and virus outbreaks are ongoing. Al-Aly added: “Every time we feel the need to increase precautions in certain areas or reduce them, it will all depend on the results of the evaluation.”

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Of the 1,344 cases of coronavirus infection recorded on Friday (1/5/2020), 17 percent of them are Saudi and 83 percent are expatriates.

Total cases of total infection 24,097. Al-Aly also announced 392 cases of recovery and death for a total of 7 people.

The new death from Covid-19 in Saudi Arabia occurred in Saudi men and six expatriates from Mecca and Jeddah who were between 46 and 75 years old. Everyone suffers from chronic diseases.

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Al-Aly also warned that those who are vulnerable to contracting the virus and who are over 65 years of age, have chronic diseases or have a weak immune system, should be careful and are not recommended to go shopping.

“It would be better if they were at home and other people bought them,” said Al-Aly.

He also warned that anyone who buys should stay away from crowded areas and leave stores full of people.

In addition, people are also asked to maintain a physical distance of at least a meter and a half from each other, to wear masks, wash their hands, and disinfect themselves outside.

It is also recommended to pay for purchase items using electronic payments to avoid cash payments. Also, don’t touch your face.

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