Data leaked from 533 million Facebook users, including the Indonesian page

[ad_1] – Data leaks are frequent in this age of the Internet. This time, personal data belonging to more than 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries has been leaked and circulated on the Internet.

The most affected Facebook users came from Egypt (44.8 million), Tunisia (39.5 million), Italy (35.6 million) and the United States (32.3 million).

Several Indonesian Facebook users have not escaped this data breach, with a total of 130,000 users.

Also Read: 1 Million Facebook Accounts In Indonesia Leaked, Here’s A Link To Check It Out

The personal data that was leaked included information about your full name, phone number, location, date of birth, Facebook ID, gender, occupation, country of origin, marital status, and email address.

Hundreds of this user data was shared by one user on a hobbyist hacker forum for free recently. This makes hundreds of millions of that data widely available to anyone who accesses it.

Facebook itself through its spokesperson has confirmed this data leak.

According to a Facebook spokesperson, hundreds of millions of user data were leaked due to a security vulnerability experienced by Facebook. This vulnerability was fixed in 2019.

Also read: Indonesian user data confirmed to be leaking, blocking fines await Facebook

Even though the data breach occurred two years ago, there are still cyber crime threats that haunt Facebook users who are victims of this data breach.

That’s according to the chief technology officer (CTO) of Hudson Rock cybercrime intelligence firm Alon Gal, who was also the first to spot the internet data leak in January.

Gal said the leaked personal information could provide miscellaneous information for cybercriminals.

This information can be used to perform disguise and even fraud on behalf of data breach victims.

“No doubt databases containing such a large amount of personal information will be used cyber criminal to carry out social engineering attacks or hacking attempts, “said Gal.

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Not Facebook’s first leak

This isn’t the first data breach on Mark Zuckerberg’s giant network. In 2016, Cambridge Analytica stole 80 million data from Facebook users.

Cambridge Analytica used the personal data of tens of millions of Facebook users to create profiles to target voters in the 2016 US election, which was ultimately won by Donald Trump.

The Cambridge Analytica data breach case was only discovered two years later, or to be precise in 2018.

When the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke, Facebook vowed to crack down on massive theft of data on its platform.

Also read: Facebook was fined 70 trillion rupees due to Cambridge Analytica scandal

However, according to Gal, there is not much Facebook can do to help the victims of this personal data leak.

This is because the data has been widely distributed free of charge on the Internet. However, Gal stated that Facebook could still encourage its users to stay tuned for the possibility identity fraud or other fraud.

“People who sign up with major companies like Facebook trust them with their data and Facebook should treat data with great respect,” Gal said.

Gal continued, this leak of users’ personal data is a massive breach of trust and should be handled properly, as compiled. KompasTekno since Business Insider, Sunday (4/4/2021).

Also read: Data leaks of 91 million Tokopedia users circulating through a link on Facebook
